FCC FOIA request

In response to the FRC stating they are recognized by the FCC, I submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the FCC stating the following:

I request that a copy of the following documents or documents containing the following information be provided to me:

  • Commission legal finding or other documents under 47CFR Part 97 or other FCC regulation which authorize the Commission to recognize a “Frequency Coordinator” as defined in §97.3(a)22 of the commissions rules.
  • What authority does a “Frequency Coordinator” have to grant permission to operate an Amateur station on frequencies in the Amateur Radio Service?
  • What is the procedure to become a recognized “Frequency Coordinator” as defined in §97.3(a)22?
  • Please provide a list of all recognized “Frequency Coordinator(s)” as defined §97.3(a)22.
  • Please provide copies of all letters between the FCC and the Florida Repeater Council, Inc. pertaining to their recognition as a “Frequency Coordinator” and other coordination/interference issues.

    The original PDF it attached.

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