FCC FOIA response

Today the FCC responded to my prior FOIA request.

Attached is the 2017-268 – response letter, and the referenced document, FCC 86-201, which is the only mention of the FRC in FCC records.

This letter proves the FRC is lying when they stated they were recognized by the FCC as the frequency coordinator for Florida.

25. Official recognition of coordinators. Several coordinators urged us to establish some mechanism to officially recognize local or regional coordinators. Others were concerned about the potential for abuse of power at the local level. Another concern was exclusive right to coordinate within a geographical area. It is essential that repeater coordinators respond to the broadest base of local amateurs, and consider the concerns not only of repeater owners but also of those users of spectrum affected by repeater operation. Their authority is derived from the voluntary participation of the entire amateur community; their recognition must be derived from the same source. We believe the new rules will assure that a coordinator is representative of all local amateur operators.

As plainly stated above the FCC refused to recognize frequency coordinators.  This is another FRC lie exposed.

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